Tuesday 30 October 2012

The Canola Oil Marketing Deception

Have you been lied to about the health benefits of canola oil?

If you've been following my fitness newsletters for some time, you may have noticed that I NEVER include canola oil in any of my recipes or any of my lists of healthy foods.

Many people have asked me why, because all they hear in the mainstream media is that canola oil is "heart healthy" and a good source of monounsaturated fats similar to olive oil. 

Well, first of all, you need to realize that much of what you hear in the mainstream media has been influenced by heavy handed marketing tactics by big food companies.  Canola oil is cheap for them to produce so they want to fool you into thinking it's a "health oil" so that people, restaurants, etc will buy it up as their main oil of choice.

The dirty truth about canola oil

Yes, it's true that canola oil is high in monounsaturates, but let me explain why canola oil is anything but "healthy".

free web site traffic and promotion Canola oil is made from something called rapeseed. Rapeseed actually had to be bred over the years to reduce the percentage of a problematic component of rapeseed, which is erucic acid.

Important note on canola oil "urban legends":  There is a problem with most websites that DEFEND canola oil, saying that internet "urban legends" on the dangers of canola oil are unfounded.  The problem is that these websites that defend canola oil ONLY talk about the issue of erucic acid.  The issue of erucic acid IS an urban legend, because erucic acid has been bred out to very low levels over the years, so it is a non-issue.

However, these websites that defend canola oil are barking up the wrong tree because they don't address the issue of the processing of canola oil and oxidation of the polyunsaturated component of canola oil, which is what makes it unhealthy for human consumption.  THAT'S the real issue that they either don't understand (because they are not nutrition experts) or are simply ignoring.

Let's look at the REAL issues with canola oil:

Canola oil typically ranges between 55-65% monounsaturated fat and between 28-35% polyunsaturated fat, with just a small amount of saturated fat.

While we've been led to believe that high monounsaturated fat oils are good for us (which they are in the case of virgin olive oil or from unprocessed nuts or seeds), the fact is that canola oil has more detriments than it does benefits.

As you may have heard the talk in the Truth about Six Pack Abs program... one of the biggest problems with highly processed and refined vegetable oils such as corn oil, soybean oil, and yes, even canola oil, is that the polyunsaturated component of the oil is highly unstable under heat, light, and pressure, and this heavily oxidizes the polyunsaturates which increases free radicals in your body.

The end result of all of this refining and processing are oils that are highly inflammatory in your body when you ingest them, potentially contributing to heart disease, weight gain, and other degenerative diseases.

The reason that extra virgin olive oil is good for you is that it is cold pressed without the use of heat and solvents to aid extraction. EVOO also contains important antioxidants that help protect the stability of the oil.

Canola oil, on the other hand, is typically extracted and refined using high heat, pressure, and petroleum solvents such as hexane. Most canola oil undergoes a process of caustic refining, degumming, bleaching, and deoderization, all using high heat and questionable chemicals. 

Does canola even have trans fats?

Even worse, all of this high heat, high pressure processing with solvents actually forces some of the omega-3 content of canola oil to be transformed into trans fats.

According to Dr. Mary Enig, PhD, and Nutritional Biochemist, "Although the Canadian government lists the trans fat content of canola at a minimal 0.2 percent, research at the University of Florida at Gainesville, found trans fat levels as high as 4.6 percent in commercial liquid canola oil".

And this is the crap that they are marketing to you as a "healthy oil"!

As you can see from the details above on how canola oil is processed, it is barely any healthier for you than other junk oils like soybean oil or corn oil.  The bottom line is that it is an inflammatory oil in your body and should be avoided as much as possible.

The only canola oil that might be reasonable is if you see that it is "cold pressed" and organic. Most canola oil is NOT cold pressed or organic, so you might as well choose oils that you know are healthier.

Your best bets are these truly healthy oils:

  • Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) - for lower temperature cooking or used as a healthy salad dressing oil
  • Udo's Choice Oil Blend - NEVER use this for cooking as it has a higher polyunsaturated fat content (therefore heat destroys the benefits of this oil, and increases it's inflammatory properties), but it is a cold processed blend of healthy oils that mixes well with olive oil for salad dressings.
  • Virgin coconut oil - great for all temperatures of cooking due to its super high stability under heat.  A great source of healthy saturated fats in the form of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), one of which is Lauric Acid, which helps support the immune system and is lacking in most western diets.
  • Organic grass-fed butter - I like to use a mix of grass-fed butter, coconut oil, and a small bit of olive oil for most of my cooking. Grass-fed butter is a great source of the healthy fat, CLA, which has even been shown in studies to have muscle building and fat burning properties.  Grass-fed butter also has a much healthier omega-6 to omega-3 ratio than standard butter at your grocery store.  Kerrygold Irish butter is my favorite grass-fed butter.

So don't be fooled by food labels claiming that they contain "healthy canola oil"... as you can see, this couldn't be further from the truth!  Choose some of the healthier options above and your body will thank you!

Learn more healthy tips on truth about abs program!

Monday 29 October 2012

Your Cooking Oils - Healthy vs Unhealthy(you might be surprised...)

Some of these oils are healthy and some are VERY unhealthy -- soybean oil, olive oil, coconut oil, corn oil, etc... Let's take a closer look.

Today, I wanted to give you my take on a confusing subject to most people:

...why some oils and fats you may use in cooking, baking, or other food use are actually harmful to your body, and why some are healthful.

Here's the deal...

A lot of people seem to think that anything labeled as "vegetable oil" is good for you. NOT A SHOT!

Most of what is labeled as "vegetable oil" is simply heavily refined soybean oil (processed under high heat, pressure, and industrial solvents, such as hexane)... sometimes perhaps it may also be heavily refined cottonseed, safflower, corn, grape seed, or other oils too.

In most instances, almost all of these processed oils are NOT HEALTHY for you.  I'll explain why below...
If you buy processed food or deep fried food, you can usually be certain that these unhealthy oils are used to prepare your foods (or worse, it may use hydrogenated versions of these oils... aka - trans fats).

You may have even bought some of these oils for your own cooking or baking at home.

The problem with soybean oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, grape seed oil, safflower oil, and other similar oils is that they are mostly composed of polyunsaturated fats (the most highly reactive type of fat) which leaves them prone to oxidation and free radical production when exposed to heat and light.

Processed polyunsaturated oils are the most inflammatory inside our bodies because of their high re-activity to heat and light. This inflammation is what causes many of our internal problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and other degenerative diseases.

Note: It's ok if a polyunsaturated fat source isn't processed such as in whole foods like various nuts and seeds... In that case it's usually not inflammatory (as long as it's not been exposed to high heat), and is a great source of healthy polyunsaturated fats for you. By the way, omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are both polyunsaturates, and a healthy balance of approx 1:1 to 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is considered healthiest. Your best bet is to choose raw nuts and seeds whenever possible to avoid the oxidation of polyunsaturated fats that can occur during roasting of nuts and seeds.  Keep in mind though that some nuts are mostly monounsaturated, (for example, macadamias), so the issue of roasted vs raw nuts is less of an issue for highly monounsaturated nuts.

However, all of the vegetable oils listed above are generally heavily refined during processing, so that makes them already inflammatory before you even cook with them (which does even more damage).

Here's the actual order of stability of a type of fat under heat and light (from least stable to most stable):

1. polyunsaturated
2. monounsaturated
3. saturated

Here's something that mainstream health professionals will never tell you...

Saturated fats are actually the healthiest oils to cook with!

Why?  Because they are much more stable and less inflammatory than polyunsaturated oils.

This is why tropical oils such as palm and coconut oils (and even animal fats such as butter) are best for cooking... they have very little polyunsaturates and are mostly composed of natural saturated fats which are the least reactive to heat/light and therefore the least inflammatory in your body from cooking use.

That's also why natural butter (NOT margarine) is one of the best fats for cooking. This all goes directly against what you hear in mainstream health talk... because most health professionals don't truly understand the biochemistry of fats, and falsely believe that saturated fats are bad for you... when in fact, they are actually neutral in most instances... and saturated fats from tropical oils are actually good for you as they contain mostly medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) which are lacking in most people's diets.

In fact, lauric acid is one of the abundant MCTs in tropical oils and is known to strengthen the immune system.  Lauric acid is even being studied currently in medical studies for controlling contagious diseases.

To summarize... your best cooking or baking fats are generally butter or tropical oils such as palm or coconut oil.  Olive oil (extra virgin preferably) is ok for lower cooking temps as it's mostly monounsaturated, so moderately stable.  The mostly polyunsaturated oils such as soybean, grapeseed, cottonseed, safflower, etc, are the least healthy for cooking or baking.

My choices for top healthy cooking oils that I use:
  • Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (only for low temp cooking)
  • Real Butter (grass fed if possible)

Of course, with all of that said... we should keep in mind that trying minimize our cooking with oils can help to reduce overall calories. Cooking with oils in moderation is ok and can actually help satisfy your appetite more, but be careful not to overdo it as the calories can add up fast.

Also, please don't be fooled by deceptive marketing claiming that canola oil is healthy for you -- it's NOT!

Sunday 28 October 2012

Can This 1 Unique Spice Help to Fight Abdominal Fat?

This spice that I'm going to mention is one of the most overlooked, but healthiest spices in the world...

You might even call it a "fat burning spice"... in a roundabout way.

And yes, it can actually help you win the battle against abdominal fat if you use it daily...I'll explain why.

Here are some other benefits of this miracle spice:

  • controls blood sugar levels
  • helps maintain insulin sensitivity
  • a VERY powerful antioxidant
  • may have antibacterial and antifungal properties
  • and dozens of other benefits
  • So what is this miracle spice that beats abdominal fat?

Well... it's good old tasty Cinnamon!

Although cinnamon does NOT directly increase fat burning (such as by increasing metabolic rate, etc), it CAN actually help you to burn off abdominal fat and get leaner in an indirect way.

Here's how...

Although cinnamon has dozens of health benefits, the main benefit that will help you to get leaner is through it's strong effect on controlling blood sugar levels in your body.

In a study published in 2003 in the medical journal Diabetes Care, groups were split into people taking 1, 3, or 6 grams of cinnamon per day in capsule form (the equivalent of approx 1/4th to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon).

The results of the study showed that all 3 amounts of cinnamon reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 18-29% after 40 days.

Cinnamon can also increase insulin sensitivity, which essentially means that it is helping your body to control blood sugar while simultaneously allowing your body to produce less insulin.

As you know, chronically high insulin levels can make your body pack on the blubber.

How to harness cinnamon to lose stubborn belly fat...

One possible way to benefit from cinnamon to lose more fat is to use cinnamon daily in your meals when you can, such as in yogurt or cottage cheese, in smoothies, oatmeal, or anything else you can think of where it would go well.

Also, you could use a cinnamon capsule before each of your meals, particularly if you're going to have more than 30 grams of carbs in that meal.

This could help to control blood sugar and insulin response from your meals and thereby control your appetite and cravings throughout the day... hence, helping you to lose body fat more effectively over time.

So now you can see that not only is cinnamon a powerful antioxidant that can help you stay youthful longer, it can also help you to control blood sugar and get a leaner body!

More tips at truth about abs!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Are There Over 20 Nasty Chemicals in Your Burgers?

The "bionic burger" that won't decompose even after 18 years?  Even mold and bacteria refuse to eat this...

Whether you choose to believe the exact story that this popular video below portrays is up to you.  However, I think we all know that there are some major issues with the sources of food in popular fast food chains, and the amount of pesticide residues, hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, and other nasty chemicals in typical fast food meals.  Check this story out:

I know that the story in that video may sound a bit embellished, and that's possible... however, I've seen news stories of dozens of these types of informal experiments that random people have done over the years with popular fast food burgers that won't decompose even after years in their basement.
Seriously, if even mold refuses to consume these burgers and buns, is this really something that we (and our children) should be putting in our bodies?  What chemicals, preservatives, etc are in this fast food that is preventing even mold and bacteria from being able to consume this "food"?

And can we really consider this to be real "food" at all?
Here's another example of these types of experiments below... about half way through this video, you see some shocking examples that this woman kept from her own experiments:

I hope this gives you something to think about in terms of what we are putting inside our bodies if we choose to consume fast food.  Don't we deserve better?  Don't our children deserve better food?
I personally have not eaten a meal at any of the major fast food chains in years.  I will eat burgers sometimes, but only from restaurants that use higher quality ingredients.  And at home, I choose to only use grass-fed organic beef, as we've discussed the superior nutrition of grass-fed beef dozens of times in this newsletter previously.

Saturday 20 October 2012

Rest, Sleep and Burn More Fat Fast!!!

In order to reap the benefits from the intense exercise I recommend to my Fat Burning Furnace students, you must get adequate rest.  I can’t stress this fact enough.  In fact, rest is just as important, if not more important that the actual exercise. 

During the high intensity resistance exercise that my students perform, the muscles experience tiny injuries or tears.  The body’s response is to adapt and repair, getting stronger and larger muscles, which of course leads to burning more fat and a leaner body.

But this growth and repair process won’t take place if the body is not allowed the time to do its job.  Too often, people rush back into the gym, as many have been inundated with the “more is better” axiom when it comes to exercise.  But if we don’t get out of the body’s way and let it do its magic, we will experience poor results.  We won't burn fat like we want to, and we will just end up demotivated or possibly give up our efforts altogether.

If you don’t get enough rest or sleep, you’ll have a very difficult time building the fat-burning muscle that will transform your body.  And you’ll also have a tough time burning fat off too!  That’s why we can’t work out too long or too often when using a sufficient intensity level.  When giving the body an intense stimulus, such as proper weight training, you can’t keep hammering it into the ground. 

If you did this, you’d quickly over train your muscles and negate your body’s ability to recover from exercise.   Your immune system could become so worn down in fact, that you might even get sick…this happened to me a few times in the past when I was not paying attention to getting adequate rest and sleep. 

And this repair and recover process does not happen overnight, it usually takes 2 days or more, So make sure to keep between 1-3 days of rest between your properly conducted resistance training workouts, or you will be short-circuiting your chances of success to burn fat and build lean, strong, muscle.

Now that we know how important rest is to burning fat and building muscle, we also must understand the most important component of rest…otherwise know as sleep.  Sleep is the ultimate recovery tool, and not only for recovery from exercise.  It’s a recovery tool from any stress you take in throughout the day. 

Whether it’s from family pressures, work issues, or finances, etc., increased stress can be dissolved by adequate sleep.  And don’t think you can burn fat maximally when you’re over-stressed by other things in your life.  A high stress level can shut down the effectiveness of your ability to burn fat, among other things. 

So make sure to get adequate sleep.  What’s ideal?  I would recommend no less than seven or more than nine hours.  In fact, seven and half hours per night might be the perfect amount! 
Research has shown that we sleep in cycles of 90 minutes or so.  It has been suggested that if we wake up too far before or after one of these 90 minute cycles, you will probably feel groggy for a good part of the day. So try the 5 90 minutes sleep cycles, or 7 and a half hours…you’ll most likely wake up feeling well-rested and energized, and your fat burning furnace will show it’s appreciation, allowing you to burn more fat faster.

Friday 19 October 2012

Losing Your Belly Fat the Right Way with These 2 Vital Strategies (Also a Healthy Fast Recipe Below)

Before I give you the 2 vital secrets for losing stubborn belly fat, I wanted to tell you about yet another new healthy lunch recipe that I came up with recently. As you probably already figured out, I'm always trying to concoct meal ideas that are healthy but also unique and help to keep us from getting bored with our meals.

I know this meal concoction may sound a little weird, but I had a couple friends try it and they couldn't believe how good it was. They demanded the recipe they liked it so much. Really it's nothing more than a bunch of stuff thrown together in a pot.

Mike Geary's Healthy Turkey-Bean Concoction Recipe (makes about 4-5 servings)

  • 2 large cans of chunked or shredded turkey breast (or use about 1-lb of fresh shredded turkey breast, which is slightly healthier)
  • One 16-20 oz. can of baked beans (yes, this has sugar, but is also balanced by high fiber and protein in this recipe)
  • 1 large tomato diced (or 1 can crushed tomatoes)
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • A couple cloves fresh diced garlic (or a tablespoon or so of crushed garlic from the jar)
  • 1 large vidalia onion diced
  • 2 red peppers diced

In a large pot, mix the olive oil, diced tomatoes, onions, peppers, and garlic together until it starts simmering and allow to cook for a few minutes. Then add in the shredded turkey and can of baked beans and simmer for a few more minutes. That's it... Simple, and maybe sounds a little weird, but I couldn't believe how delicious it was! Plus, it has a great mix of healthy carbs, protein, and fat, as well as a good dose of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

The 2 Vital Secrets You Need for Losing Your Belly Fat for Good

I bet you're thinking that you've tried every technique in the world for losing your stubborn belly fat, but it just never seems to budge... right? I'm sure you see TONS of commercials and ads making all kinds of miracle claims for losing your belly fat overnight with their magic pill or wildly-hyped snake-oil supplement.

How about all of the bogus infomercial gadgets out there claiming you can shrink your stomach in a matter of days just by strapping some worthless "ab-belt" around your waist, or sizzle away the stomach fat by using their patented "ab-roller-rocker" do-hicky.

Come on now! I hope you've been insulted by all of these fraudulent marketers and the gimmicks and scams that they are pushing down your throat by trying to get you to believe that a fat-loss miracle is possible overnight.

So let's get past all of the scams and gimmicks and get right down to the hard science and reality behind what techniques and strategies really do help you for losing your stubborn belly fat and keeping it off for life!

1) The first important principle we'll discuss is how you structure your workouts. In order to stimulate fat-loss from your stomach, you need to stop wasting so much of your time doing all kinds of various abdominal exercises and hundreds of reps of crunches, leg lifts, and torso twists in the hopes of "spot-reducing" your belly and love handles.

I'm sure you know by now if you've read any reputable fitness publications over the last decade that spot-reduction DOES NOT occur. It's a myth that just won't seem to go away. The truth is, losing belly fat does NOT occur by doing exercises that target the stomach area. Unfortunately, even though most people by now do understand this (or at least they should), they still spend WAY too much of their training time trying to target the stomach with tons of abs exercises.

Now don't get me wrong, a certain amount of abdominals exercises are great and they do help to strengthen your core and help you maintain a healthy back. But the fact is that direct abs exercises should only be a small portion of your workout routines. The majority of your time should be spent focusing on big multi-joint exercises that work the largest muscle groups of the body like the legs, chest, and back.

Now that is one of the REAL secrets for ridding yourself of that sloppy belly fat for good. Focusing on big multi-joint exercises for the largest portions of your body greatly increases your metabolic rate both during the workout, and for 24-48 hours after the workout. In addition, this also stimulates an increase in fat-burning hormones within your body. You simply don't get this type of metabolic and hormonal response by wasting most of your time with "abs-pumping" exercises.

Want to lose your belly fat the right way... Well, get your butt under a barbell and do some squats, some lunges, some dead-lifts  step-ups, some back and chest work. For you ladies, don't worry...it's not going to "bulk you up".

It doesn't matter per se if it's barbells, dumbbells, or even body weight exercises... the focus needs to be on big multi-joint exercises at a high intensity. That means no 5-minute rest periods between sets while you flap your gums with half of the people at the gym. Losing that stubborn belly for good requires some focus and intensity in your workouts! Anybody who tells you that you can do it while sitting on your couch watching TV with some "ab-belt" strapped to you, or doing only 2-minutes of crunching with your "ab-rocker-roller" is flat out lying to you!

2) The second important principle to rid yourself of that flabby belly revolves around your nutrition. The first thing you need to realize is that "diets" only work against your body in your effort to lose the stomach fat. You see, if you follow any of these fad diets like extremely low-carb, or low-fat, or the grapefruit diet, the soup diet, or anything else that restricts 1 or more of the macro-nutrients (protein, carbs, and fat), most of the time you will actually lose lean muscle and lower your metabolic rate. This only makes you fatter in the long run, when you start to eat normal again!

I could go into all kinds of details, but essentially you are messing up processes related to your hormonal balance in your body, the muscle glycogen process, insulin, blood sugar, etc., and this stops your fat loss dead in its tracks!

It's important to stop falling for the fad diet gimmicks, and understand that as humans, we are meant to eat a balanced diet full of a diverse array of foods from healthy natural sources of carbohydrates, proteins, AND fats. This gives your body all of the macro-nutrients as well as all of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes that your body needs to run like a well-oiled fat-burning machine!

I could go on and on with dozens more strategies for losing your belly fat faster, the natural way, but I've rambled on long enough for one article. You can find all of my best fat-loss strategies to help you uncover those hidden abdominals of yours, laid out into actual programs for you to follow in my Truth about Six Pack Abs Program for Losing Belly Fat

If you've been thinking of getting a copy of The Truth about Six Pack Abs Program, but just haven't made the move yet, now is the time to take action, and get started on your lean ripped flat stomach today!

Thursday 18 October 2012

Discover 5 Foods That Fight Abdominal Fat

...and 2 Food Types That You Thought Were "Healthy" That Actually Make You Fatter!

I have 3 quick questions for you...

1. Did you know that so-called "whole grains", which you thought were healthy, might actually be making you GAIN more body fat?

2. Did you know that other foods marketed as "healthy" such as soymilk, soy protein, and other processed soy products contain specific concentrated compounds that can cause something in your body referred to as "stubborn belly fat"?

3. Are you aware that some foods that you might actually think are unhealthy, such as whole eggs can actually HELP your body to burn abdominal fat? And yes, that includes eating the yolks!

Let me explain more...

In this article, I wanted to show you some shocking facts about some of the foods that you are already eating. Some of these foods are marketed to you as "health foods" but are actually silently making you gain extra stomach fat.

I'm also going to surprise you by showing you a couple foods that you probably thought were unhealthy, but can actually help you to burn off stubborn abdominal fat faster.

I want to show you some valuable ways to lose stubborn body fat, and stop being fooled by the deceptive marketing of the giant food conglomerates, who want you to buy more of their cheap processed foods that are making you fatter, while they claim these foods are "healthy" for you. 

My name is Mike, and I've been working as a nutrition researcher, author of 3 different fitness and nutrition books, personal trainer, and Certified Nutrition Specialist for over a decade now. In that time, I've discovered some MAJOR issues about the way that you're being deceived by big food companies, and how this is making you pack on more belly fat. 

So let's get right into a few examples of foods that are silently making you fat and also some surprising foods that can help you burn fat. 

The first one I'd like to warn you about is "whole grains". This includes whole grain bread, bagels, muffins, pasta, and more. You probably already know that refined grains like white bread are bad for you... but I bet you think that whole grains can help you to lose fat. Well, this could be a big mistake holding you back from a lean body and flat stomach.

Trust me...I'm NOT going to preach to you about a low-carb/no-carb diet here... moderate carbs can be healthy, if you choose the right options... but that doesn't necessarily mean whole grains are the way to achieve that. Remember that grains are extremely cheap to grow and process compared to other crops, and this means BIG money for giant food conglomerates. Of course, this means that they have to deceive you with clever marketing to make their product seem "healthy" for you, and make you want to buy a LOT of it, thinking you are doing your body good.

The first problem with whole grains is that many whole grain breads and cereals still raise your blood sugar fairly substantially, which stimulates an insulin spike, and triggers you to have more cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods later.

In the big picture, you inadvertently eat more calories! 

Another problem with whole grain products is that they are still fairly calorie-dense with a lower amount of nutrient density compared to some other options I can show you. In addition, a large percentage of the population has some degree of intolerance to gluten, which is found in high amounts in wheat and some other grains. 

Also, keep in mind that the human digestive system adapted over 10's of thousands of years on a diet that did NOT contain very much grain. There was low amounts of grain in the ancient human diet, but nowhere even CLOSE to the quantity in today's modern diet. It wasn't until agriculture became more prominent only a couple thousand years ago, that grains became a major part of the human diet. This means that our digestive systems are still not adapted to properly digesting the large quantities of grain in the modern diet.

The result -- you get fatter, as well as other health problems. 

Now I realize that you may not be willing to completely eliminate grains from your diet... but don't worry, I'll show you how to best balance this aspect of your diet to get you the best fat loss results while still enjoying your favorites.

Another so-called "health food" that you have been deceived about is soy...
Some of the biggest offenders in the soy industry are soymilk, tofu, and soy protein products. Remember that soy is a BIG multi-billion dollar industry and their goal is to use clever marketing to fool you into thinking that these highly processed soy products are actually healthy for you, so you buy more of them thinking you're doing the body good.

Don't be fooled by their deceptive marketing!

The first thing I should mention about soy is a little controversial -- and that is the high concentrations of phytoestrogens that are found in processed unfermented soy products.
Now I know you may have heard contradicting stories about whether these phytoestrogens are actually harmful or not... but one thing that's often overlooked is that in most cases, we're not talking about eating just a few soybeans here... we're talking about products such as soy milk and soy proteins where the processing has actually concentrated phytoestrogens in much higher concentrations than you would ever get naturally.

This is where these processed soy products can actually stimulate your body to hold onto belly fat. Want a bigger gut? Just go ahead and drink more soy milk or eat more tofu!
But even if you don't buy that argument, consider this...

One of the other main problems with soy is that it is one of the most genetically modified crops and also one of the crops containing the highest pesticide/herbicide residue. Many pesticides and herbicides that get inside your body actually act as something called xenoestrogens which contribute to the condition known as "stubborn belly fat".  They make your body want to hold onto belly fat and make it particularly hard to burn off.

So even if you don't agree with the phytoestrogen argument against soy, you need to factor in the xenoestrogens from pesticides and herbicides that you might be exposed to as well, which can increase belly fat.  This is in addition to the effects you may get from the concentrated phytoestrogens in soy... the combination of xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens could be a BIG problem for stubborn belly fat!

There are many other reasons why soy products are only holding you back from getting a lean healthy body, but we don't have time to explore them all in this article.

Now let's turn the tables and talk about foods you might have thought were unhealthy and off-limits if you were dieting, but these foods can actually HELP you to lose stomach fat... 

One example is certain types of grass-fed meats, which contain a unique type of healthy fat called CLA. CLA has actually been shown in many studies to aid the fat burning process in your body and help build lean muscle. It also seems to particularly target abdominal fat reductions. So if you've been avoiding red meat (only grass-fed is healthy though) in your dieting efforts, you may not have even realized that you could be sabotaging your fat loss efforts.
Another example is whole eggs -- yes, including the yolk!

So many dieters falsely think that they need to live on egg whites and oatmeal when they're trying to diet down. However, this could also be hurting your results because over 90% of the important vitamins, minerals, and trace nutrients are found in the yolk of the egg, and not the white. Also, the protein of whole eggs is much more bio-available compared to just egg whites.

And another factor is that the healthy fats in whole eggs help to control your appetite and keep your fat burning hormones balanced. Without these healthy fats, you can inadvertently decrease your beneficial fat burning hormones.

There are other foods that you may have thought were "fattening", but can actually help you to burn belly fat.  A few of these that may shock you are:
  • certain types of meats
  • coconut, coconut milk, and coconut oil
  • avocado or guacamole,
  • nuts such as walnuts, pecans, almonds, etc
  • peanut butter and other nut butters
  • and yes, even certain types of chocolate or cocoa (if you choose the right type)

More unique teas, spices, veggies, and unusual workouts to help you win the battle against abdominal fat...

I have a TON more shocking information that I want to give you to help you lose stubborn stomach fat and get that lean sexy stomach that I know you want. And it's all contained in my best-selling online program called "The Truth About Six Pack Abs".

Don't let the "six pack abs" part of that title scare you. If you just simply want to lose some body fat and get a flatter stomach, I'll show you exactly how to achieve that goal without getting "overly lean".  However, if you want to get super lean, and actually get ripped six pack abs, the information I put together in this program will show you how to do that also.

This is about WAY more than just the foods that we've been talking about so far... this is about very unique exercise strategies, motivation, how to adopt the mindset that will give you permanent success in your fat loss efforts, and a whole lot more. In this program, I teach you big picture aspects, but also some of the nitty gritty details that most people have never thought of before.

If you're ready to try out the Truth About Six Pack Abs Program, you can instantly access the downloadable program here:

Tuesday 2 October 2012

5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs

1. Many so-called "health foods" are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that can actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat... yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits.

2. Ab exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and ab machines are actually the LEAST effective method of getting flat six pack abs. We'll explore what types of exercises REALLY work in a minute.

3. Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs. I'll tell you the exact types of unique workouts that produce ten times better results below.

4. You DON'T need to waste your money on expensive "extreme fat burner" pills or other bogus supplements. I'll show you how to use the power of natural foods in more detail below.

Before we get to number 5, if you didn't do it already, make sure not to miss out on this free report with tons of fat loss tips today...

5. Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. Despite the misleading infomercials, the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect body by using that "ab contraption"... they got their perfect body through REAL workouts and REAL nutrition strategies. Again, you'll learn some of their secrets and what really works below.

Click here to learn on the REAL truth about losing belly fat

Buy Truth About Abs Now

Do not Buy Truth About Abs until you read this:

Product: Truth About Abs or Truth About Six Pack Abs
Creator: Mike Geary
Launch Year: 2004
Price: $39.95(but there is a good deal for today, click here to check it out if you are in a hurry)

Most of us want to have a flatter stomach, to lose that stubborn belly fat but what also most do crave about is being able to have those visible six pack abs that only a few sexy people do have, and usually its for aesthetic purposes. Basically all of us have those muscles that make up six pack abs but most of the time these muscles are covered by those stubborn belly fats. However, the right process requires you to reduce your overall percentage of body fat through a workout routine that will develop your overall core strength and functionThus to make these abs visible, one has to perform two important steps:
1. To Lose body fat
2. To Gain muscle.

One needs to lose enough body fat for six pack abs to be seen and not only that but also one needs to develop these stomach abs/muscles. To lose enough body fat, one has to be conscious about one's diet and also perform the right-high intensity exercises for the muscles. Some people have the notion that doing abdominal exercises can accelerate your chances of getting ripped six pack abs but this is farther from the truth. Because according to a study done by Green Med, it reported that:

"There was no significant effect of abdominal exercises on body weight, body fat percentage, android fat percentage, android fat, abdominal circumference, abdominal skin fold and suprailiac skinfold measurements ... Six weeks of abdominal exercise training alone was not sufficient to reduce abdominal subcutaneous fat and other measures of body composition"

So what next...?

Well This is Why you should consider to Buy Truth About Abs:

You see truth about six pack abs focuses on those two important steps. It helps you understand everything about your abs and shows you effective methods to make them visible. It focuses on proper nutrition for fat loss. It is said that 80% of your body fat loss depends on the type of diet you consume regardless of any workouts you perform.

Inside the program you will discover the basics of an effective diet plan, what foods you should be eating- some foods are those that we most crave about, also you will find out what foods you should eliminate, how to plan your meals for an effective way to lose body fat.

While you learn different ways to change your diet and incorporate those in your lifestyle, you will also learn the other 20% on losing body fat, and that is workouts. What you will learn with truth about abs is you can do these workouts even just inside your home, you don't need to pay up to go to the gym. What you will need is only a pair of dumbbells that can be purchased easily online or offline. These workouts are mostly for muscle building and they are very easy to do.

“Keep your workouts shorter but intense; your best results will most likely come from keeping your workouts between 30-60 minutes in length without exceeding approximately one hour to reduce catabolism” -- Mike Geary.

Additional Features:

If you are considering buying truth about abs, then know that you will also get these other features as well: 

It has a well established membership site, in case you are stuck somewhere, they have a team of experienced nutritionists and even chat with the world famous trainers to answer your concerns and other fellow people who are also using the product.

These other bonus come in as well with your package: 

Free Bonus #1: A FREE copy of the DVD titled,"The 5 Keys to Guaranteed Fat Loss", this is from the world famous trainer.

Free Bonus #2: The M-Power Fast-Fitness audios(4 incredible audios)

Inside these 4 motivational audios, you get a powerful method to achieve almost any goal you desire, secret mental techiques to make sure that you avoid cravings, staying motivated and unique tricks to guarantee that you stay on the path of fast fitness results.

You see sometimes we may lose focus on what we are trying to achieve specifically with our body fat loss goals, these audios help you keep track and stay in check with what you want to achieve.

Free Bonus #3: The 8-Week Dumbbell-Bodyweight Fusion Fat Loss Workout Program


What I can say from my experience is that, personally I am an indoor person, who doesn't like to spend most time in the gym especially after a tiresome day from the office, so the idea of doing simple workouts at home and help me to effectively get visible six pack abs, this has made me fall in love with the program completely. Not only that, with their trial offer I managed to see results during that period thus this made me want to experience the program some more.

Plus the membership is very interesting, as it gives you that social belief that you are not alone and thus inspire you to want to proof something so that you can also share good stuff with the members and be a part of the community.


Personally in my experience after buying truth about abs, I found out that it needs one commitment to the healthier diet and the workouts, which in our busier lives, it becomes kind of hard to consume healthier diets and/or workouts. But if one can discipline him/herself then this will not be seen as a product's disadvantage.

Consumer testimonials:

If you are still skeptical to buy truth about abs then consider reading through testimonials from real people who have bought truth about abs, learn from their experience and what they have to say about it. Here they are below:

""...My body got a very good shape with lean muscles that everybody I know started praising & admiring..."

Mike,  my name is Janaka Palapathwala, a Sri Lankan living in dubai. I ordered your "truth about abs" thru the net, abt six to seven months ago. During the last four months I read it & worked on it strictly as per your instructions on workouts and diet as well. My height is 5'9" & weighed 86kg about an year & a half ago. With my own workout style I brought it down to 82-83kg level within abt 6 months & never fell below that for the whole of a year.

Once I started following on your instructions, within four months I brought my weight down to 74kg. My body got a very good shape with lean muscles that everybody I know started praising & admiring. My sincere heart full of thanks to you. Mike, you are a great nutritionist & a physical instructor. I consider myself extreamly luckey for finding your web site, and was able to follow all your instructions & guidance.

-Janaka Palapathwala, Dubai"


I had been talking about this program for MONTHS, saying "I'll get it next pay...next pay...next pay..."  Finally a friend of mine got sick of my procrastination and just bought it for me as a gift.I began the program on the 5th of February (about a month after my Dec 25th pic).  Its now 18th July and Im still going strong. So I thought I would send in my results so far.

The Program is FREAKIN BRILLIANT!!! Before I started your program, I was...(click here to read more real testimonials)


In total the price of the product including the bonuses is as follows:

The Truth about Six Pack Abs Main ProgramRetail Price:$39.95
Bonus #1: Kim Lyon's "5 Keys to Guaranteed Fat Loss" DVD & exclusive membershipRetail Price:$79.99
Bonus #2: M-Power Fast-Fitness 4 AudiosRetail Price:$45.95
Bonus #3: 8-Week BW-DB Fusion WorkoutRetail Price:$24.95
Total Package Value:$190.84


Now pay attention to this sweet deal:

If you want to buy truth about abs then know that it only costs a measly $39.95 with the bonuses but if you act today then you can take a chance at this irresistible trial offer, you can try it for $4.95 and get all the benefits and features of a full payment. Hurry up before this offer lasts!!!

Including a moderate quantity of healthy carbs in your diet will help you have the energy to workout intensely and recover from your workouts while helping to maintain your lean muscle mass and keep your metabolic rate higher.”-- Mike Geary.

Click Here To Try or Buy Truth About Abs